on April 27, 2020
I purchased this as the cheapest (including shipping) hard case I could find for my extremely cheap Rogue Soprano Ukulele. The ukulele fits well enough, though there is about a quarter inch of empty space around the body. It's not the best fit, but the ukulele is so light that I can't imagine it could be damaged just from the small amount of space it can move. The case itself looks a little hilarious (as all ukulele cases do, like a tiny guitar case), but seems to be of surprisingly good qual ...
I purchased this as the cheapest (including shipping) hard case I could find for my extremely cheap Rogue Soprano Ukulele. The ukulele fits well enough, though there is about a quarter inch of empty space around the body. It's not the best fit, but the ukulele is so light that I can't imagine it could be damaged just from the small amount of space it can move. The case itself looks a little hilarious (as all ukulele cases do, like a tiny guitar case), but seems to be of surprisingly good quality. The latches and handle seem sturdy and secure, and the body of the case seems reasonably rugged. I wouldn't trust it to airline workers while flying, but I would have no problem with throwing this in the car and going on some strange cross country ukulele tour. Shipping was quick, and though the packaging wasn't great (a...giant envelope?) the case was undamaged when it arrived. Honestly, I like the case a lot more than the ukulele I bought it for...so much so that I might have to get a half-decent ukulele to put in it.
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